Minci Patch - Inibidor de apetite (pack 1 mês)


Minci Patch - Inibidor de apetite (pack 1 mês)


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To obtain greater effect, you must place the patch in the area represented by the image, as this is the area where the skin is thinnest and where the absorption process of MINCI PATCH assets is most efficient. Every morning after your personal hygiene. 1. Place a MINCI PATCH thermo-sensitive patch on the shoulder area as shown in the image 2. Leave to act for the next 24 hours. 3. After 24 hours, remove and place another in approximately the same place. You can switch between left and right side. Stickers are not reusable. After use, throw it away.

If you have any doubts regarding the use of MinciPatch, you should see the technical sheet in the ATTACHMENTS tab, especially in the restricted users chapter. You can ask for advice by calling 215959944.

MinciPatch compounds are 100% natural, and well tolerated by most people. To date, no contraindications relevant to establishing any special warning standard have been registered.

MinciPtach does not replace a varied diet. Frequent use can lower blood sugar levels. If you don't want to lose weight, don't use MinciPatch. When placing the adhesive, you may feel a slight increase in temperature, which is well tolerated by all users. If you experience irritation or skin reaction, remove immediately and wash with plenty of water. These symptoms do not last more than a few hours, but you should not use MinciPatch again. There is no record of serious cases requiring medical intervention to alleviate symptoms.

You can place an order here on the website by simply filling out the form with your details. Please note that all fields are mandatory and if you do not fill them in or fill them in incorrectly, it will not be possible to complete the order. We have commercial support at your disposal to help you complete your order by calling 211308986 from 10:00 to 20:00 every working day.

Yes you can. You have one year to exchange and request a refund. See the ATTACHMENTS tab for the conditions and forms that you must fill out and submit.

Check the MinciPatch Questions page and if you don't find an answer to your particular question, contact customer support 215959944.

Daily shipments and deliveries via CTT Expresso, 2 to 3 working days, plus an additional 1 to 2 days for the islands. If you do not receive your order within the agreed deadline, we will refund 2 times what you paid. Find out how in the ATTACHMENTS tab

You can pay using Multibanco, MBWay, Credit cards or Paypal. The Payment Against Refund option is also available. See the 3DS security policies for online payments that Sim Slim Instituit has implemented in the attachments tab.

Minci Patch is a patch impregnated with active appetite suppressants, which works 24 hours a day. It blocks hunger by regulating the hormones Ghrelin and Leptin, responsible for dietary indiscipline that causes weight gain or poor results with diets and eating regimens.
When eating restrictions are difficult to maintain, Minci Patch helps control impulses so you don't eat what you can't, when you shouldn't.

Minci Patch appetite suppressant patches were developed for normal people who have common eating behavior problems. Even people with discipline during main meals, with a controlled diet, have great difficulty in maintaining strict eating habits outside of meals, with the feeling of hunger or the desire to eat spontaneously.

Radical solutions such as closing your mouth or fighting the urge to eat have never achieved the best results. On the contrary, combating hunger with food abstinence is a losing fight.

Larune Paris Laboratories has developed a solution thinking about normal people who, for a variety of reasons, simply cannot stop eating, controlling the production of the hunger hormone, Ghrelin, through the Minci Patch thermo-sensitive patches.

Using the Minci Patch daily, you can naturally control the production of Ghrelin, reducing the urge to eat, when the feeling of hunger often appears right after a meal.

Minci Patch has achieved exceptional results in the treatment of obesity in patients with eating disorders. Minci Patch is a prolonged-release Fucus Vesiculosus patch, and can be administered to everyone, even those with diabetes, with absolutely amazing results in reducing blood glucose levels.

Minci Patch adhesives are exclusive to Larune Paris Laboratories, which developed the technology that allows high concentrations of Fucus Vesiculosus to be impregnated into a natural film. The MINCI PATCH adhesive releases the active substances only after contact with the skin, through prolonged release of the active ingredients. This action acts directly on the central nervous system, also controlling the production of Serotonin and balancing Dopamine levels, both responsible for inappropriate eating behaviors. See the ATTACHMENTS tab for the technical sheet of Minci Patch stickers.

Also see the ANNEXES tab for more detailed information from the study carried out in the USA by Dr Kaplan)


After placing the Minci Patch patch, the temperature of the skin activates the thermo-sensitive patch, starting the absorption process. Results for 100% of Minci Patch users:

1 to 7 Weeks - Adaptation Period - Control the consumption of high-calorie foods, rich in fast sugars and saturated fats, such as pastries, snacks, savory appetizers, cookies, spreads, bread, puff pastries and soft drinks. The action is natural, therefore it is progressive, being fundamental for medium and long-term results, that is, the change in behavior will determine whether you will actually lose weight or not.

8 to 17 Weeks - Physical Period - Visible results, especially in moments of need or anxiety, which were previously compensated with food. At this stage, Minci Patch users often manage to go several hours without eating simply because they are not hungry. It is recommended that you complement these long periods of fasting with habits of drinking water and, as far as possible, fruit, or natural fruit juices to keep the enzyme system functional.

18 to 35 Weeks - Stabilization Period - All users of the Minci Patch thermo-sensitive adhesive changed their eating behavior, eating less and better. A recent study showed that at the end of 25 weeks, 92% of people stop using Minci Patch thermosensitive patches and are able to control their eating naturally.

Satisfaction or return guarantee

Minci Patch Turbo stickers work 24 hours a day. They should be placed once per day, on the back, and replaced daily. Stickers are not reusable.
On fragile or dry skin, help detach with plenty of water from a shower and apply a new patch after the skin is completely dry.
It should not be used by people with skin disease in the area of application, nor by people who are allergic or hypersensitive to the sticker in contact with the skin or to consumption of any of the active substances. Pregnant women and people who are breastfeeding should not use Minci Patch Turbo.

Minci Patch Turbo is an original product, registered trademark and notified to health authorities, manufactured in France by Larune Laboratories - Paris.

Formula San acts as an authorized reseller and is responsible for marketing formalities under the legislation in force in Portugal and the EU. The results and effects of Minci Patch Turbo are the sole responsibility of the manufacturer.

Additional information

Before use, carefully read the Minci Patch Turbo information leaflet. If in doubt, contact customer service.

Minci Patch Turbo is sent immediately and shipped daily.

All payment methods are secure and come with a 1-year, no-questions-asked return and refund guarantee.